Cuidado antes y después
El programa de cuidados posteriores está diseñado para complementar la educación
procesar y desafiar a los estudiantes a aplicar las habilidades aprendidas en un ambiente divertido y amoroso.
Después de la tarea, los estudiantes participan en actividades como
como clubes creativos, deportes organizados, artes creativas, actividades grupales,
actividades recreativas y devoción religiosa, que desafían su
capacidades físicas, emocionales, mentales y espirituales.
Los estudiantes también reciben meriendas diarias por la tarde, tienen recreo al aire libre (si el clima lo permite) y realizan excursiones cortas periódicas.
¡Apertura de inscripciones pronto!
Nuestro programa incluye
Estudio Bíblico
Asistencia con la tarea
Enriquecimiento informático
Ambiente cristiano
Noche de niños
El transporte hacia y desde la escuela
Clubes de cuidados posteriores
Club de Matemáticas
Club de lectura
Club de uñas
Club de cocina
Escuelas a las que damos servicio
¡Los estudiantes inscritos en nuestro programa de cuidado antes y después de la escuela reciben transporte gratuito desde y hacia las siguientes escuelas!
Imagina Andrews
Primaria Melwood
Stephen Decatur
James Madison
Benjamín Foulois
Pasar por alto
Clinton Grove
Imagina Lincoln
Academia Accokeek
Waldon Woods
James Ryder Randall
Francis T Evans
Please read the following BEFORE you register:
I acknowledge that even if I enroll on a date when tuition is due, I am still responsible for submitting my payment on time or I will receive a late fee of $25 daily.
Example: If tuition is due on 9/3/21 and you register your child on 9/3/21 you still must abide by the tuition due date cycle. Please note, you still must submit your registration fee, deposit and tuition payment (when it is due).
Payments are always due prior to the following week that your child attends.
Example: Tuition is due on 9/17/21 for the weeks of Sept 20th - Oct 1.
I acknowledge that my deposit will be applied, upon request, as a credit on my account after six months of consistent enrollment. Your deposit is not your first payment nor will it be applied to your account until after six months.
Important Accounting Information
All payments must be submitted online at www.tuitionexpress.com
Payment cycles: Bi-weekly or Monthly only!
Late fee policy: $25/per day. After the third day of nonpayment your child will be disenrolled. Once child is disenrolled, parent must re-register. Student will not get picked up from school and will not be allowed to get dropped off in the morning for before care.
Full payment is still due when children are absent. This includes having to quarantine, holidays, and school breaks.
School's Out Care Care
WV Clubhouse will be hosting an "Extended Care" to all county school students on certain days that PG County schools are closed. During extended care, parents are able to drop-off for full day care for an additional price.
Note: Your before and after care tuition does not cover extended care. Extended care is available for non WV Clubhouse enrolled students.
Please refer to the "School's Out Care" page for upcoming extended care